There is a medical centre or hospital in all major cities and towns in Iceland. The emergency phone number (24 hours) in Iceland is 112.
EU citizens must bring their EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) with them to prove that they are entitled to health care in their own country. If you visit a doctor you must present your EHIC Card and Passport in order for you to pay the reduced, insured, rate.
Nordic Students need only to provide confirmation of insurance in their home country. For example a health insurance card or similar documentation.
Non-EU citizens must have health insurance prior to their arrival to Iceland. Health insurance from one‘s own country is sufficient or one can purchase health insurance from an Icelandic health insurance provider, such as Sjóvá, TM, VÍS or Vörður.
Pharmacies are called “Apótek” and are open during normal business hours. Only a few are open at night. Medical Care can be obtained by visiting a Health Care Centre, called “Heilsugæslustöð” in Icelandic, during opening hours. For information see
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