University of Akureyri

Arctic microbial ecology field trip and lab course. The course is a research/discovery-based course. Most of the field and lab work is designed and set up with the goal in mind that the students' results can be followed up on by staff and future students at the partner institutes and may eventually lead to publishable discoveries. The course is taught every other year and there are prerequisite of students having some previous studies completed in microbiology. Further information

University of Iceland:

The Faculty of Political Science and the Centre for Small States at the University of Iceland organise a week-long intensive summer course focusing on the security challenges of small states in North Atlantic. The course is supported by the Nordplus Higher Education programme and is held at the University of Iceland. For further information please see

The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies
The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies offers various services in terms of studying Icelandic or Medieval Studies.

Reykjavik University

Reykjavik University's School of Energy offers a three week, intensive summer course that provides students with an overview of sustainable technologies, the main issues that drive demand for sustainable energy, and the factors that may impede or promote meeting that demand. 

The course is delivered through a combination of lectures and site visits, and students have an opportunity to see working ststems that utilise sustainable energy.

You can find out more about the summer school on the School of Energy's website.

Creativity, Leadership and Innovation Summer School: The University of Southern Maine (USM) and Reykjavik University (RU) offer students the opportunity to attend a 10-day course designed to encourage creative and innovative thinking in Iceland in summer 2018. During the course students will learn about and work on solutions for a sustainable Icelandic tourism industry.

More information on the University of Southern Maine and Reykjavík University summer school can be found here.

Bifröst University

Bifröst University organizes an International Summer School each summer entitled to Sustainable future: Creative Leadership in the 21st Century. The program is worth 6 ECTS and is held in July over a three weeks’ period. Leadership studies and training is the main focus of the program with emphasis on Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility and Innovation.

Included in the course is an extensive entertainment program. Add some interesting company visits to inspiring leaders to this mix and you are in for a real treat. There are a number of accommodation options for individual students and groups. At Bifröst campus everything from a single rooms to 4 -bedroom apartments. The campus offers various services such as a supermarket, bar, café, restaurant, hot tub, sauna and fully equipped indoor exercise facilities.

The International Summer School is open to undergraduate students who have completed at least one year of under-graduate program and to graduate students. Early birds and students from partner universities get discount on the prices.

Further information on the summer school on Bifröst's website.

University Centre of Westfjords:

The University Centre of the Westfjords offers a significant number of summer courses on master’s level, entirely taught in English. The courses are a part of two international multidisciplinary masters programs in Coastal Studies; Coastal Communities and Regional Development and Coastal and Marine Management. All courses are taught in modules ranging from 1-3 weeks and are open to external participants as single courses.

 The University Centre also offers Icelandic Language Summer courses for international exchange students coming to Icelandic higher education institutions.